Department of Business Administration & Management
Md. Hasanuzzaman
Message of Welcome
Welcome to our Department of Business Administration & Management. It is needless to tell the importance of business-based subjects. Globalization has been possible through business among the countries. In view of this importance this college set up the Department of Business Administration & Management at the time of inception of the college. At that time out of 06 faculty members 01 was from business background.
This department provides support services to all other departments.
Looking forward to meeting you.
Department in Brief
This department is one of the four oldest departments of the college. It provides support services to other departments for carrying out their academic programs. In every program both at diploma & undergraduate levels, there are subjects on Management, Accounting, Marketing and Finance. The faculty members of this department take care of those subjects.
The list of the faculty members of this department is as follows:
| Picture | Name & Designation | Academic Qualifications | Experience | Mobile No & E-mail Address
| Intercom |
1 | ![Hasanuzzaman]() | Md. Hasanuzzaman
Assistant Professor & Departmental Head | BBA in Finance & Banking (RU), MBA in Finance & Banking (RU) | 05 Years | 01931-628052 | 245 |
2 | ![Subroto Subon Acharjee]() | Subroto Subon Acharjee
Assistant Professor | B Sc (Hons) M Sc in Physics (NU), MBA (SEU), BEd (NU), M. Phil on-going (KUET) | 12 Years | 01713-409611 | 228 |
3 | ![raktim]() | Raktim Barua
Assistant Professor | M Sc in Mathematics (NU), M Sc in Mathematics & Computer science (UK), MBA (UK) | 07 Years | 01881-133008 | 223 |
4 | ![Rakesh Swarup Mondal]() | Engr. Rakesh Swarup Mandal
Assistant Professor | B Sc in Electrical & Electronic Engg (AUST),
M Sc in EEE (RUET), MBA in Finance & Banking (RU), PhD on going (RUET) | 06 Years | 01912-909942 | 233 |
5 | ![Zannatul Ferdaus]() | Zannatul Ferdaus
Lecturer | Dip in Civil Engg, B Sc (Hons) M Sc in Mathematics (NU), MBA in Finance (EU) | 09 Years | 01675-744581 | 216 |
6 | ![Nittanandon]() | Nityananda Biswas
Lecturer | BBA (Hon’s) in AIS (RU), MBA in AIS (RU) | 01 Year | 01732-144181 | 245 |
7 | ![Subrota Kumar Pal ACC]() | Subrota Qumar Paul
Lecturer | BBA (Hon’s) in AIS (RU), MBA in AIS (RU) | 01 Year | 01928-741374 | 245 |
8 | ![Nazrul Islam AR]() | Nazrul Islam
Lecturer | BSS (Hons), MSS in Economics (RU) | 01 Year | 01723-122774 | 214 |