Teaching & Examination Systems
All diploma & undergraduate courses are 04 years long and divided into 08 semesters. The duration of each semester is 06 months.
Merits of the students are assessed through class tests, tutorials, quiz, oral tests, attendance, continuous assessments and semester final exams.
BCMC College has separate section for the control of examinations. The Controller of Examinations is assisted by a number of Assistant Controller of Examinations & Office Executives.
Intensive & supervised methods of teaching are followed. As a result there is no need for a student to go to a private tutor. Again private teaching of the students of the BCMC College by the teachers of BCMC College is totally banned.
The teachers & other officials including the Principal write the Monthly Evaluation Reports (MER) of the students & these are sent to the guardians of the students in every month. Further the Guide Teachers and the Heads of the departments maintain close contact with the students & their guardians over mobile phones & through general assembly of students. This Departmental Head/Guide Teacher-Student-Guardian contact creates a harmonic relation which helps the students in building up his/her career.